
How to implement changes to employment terms and conditions and the future of “fire and rehire” as a means of doing this.

This interactive workshop explores the relevant areas of law when organisations have to respond to a change, for example, in their market, their use of technology or in the economy, by making changes to employees’ terms and conditions. 

Participants will be able to:

  • identify the correct approach to implementing change and plan accordingly;

  • explain the importance of consultation (individual and, where appropriate, collective) and support managers through this process;

  • determine the impact that equality laws have upon implementing change;

  • identify the options available where consent to change cannot be agreed; and

  • consider how they will implement the provisions of the Government’s draft code of practice where a dismissal and re-engagement "fire and rehire" strategy is used.


Event date

Virtual online training
09:30 - 11:30 BST
£125 + VAT per person

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