
Join us for our upcoming Infrastructure Leaders of Tomorrow (ILOT) event, a panel discussion exploring the opportunities and challenges arising from the Net Zero transition in infrastructure projects.

Our panel features infrastructure and energy specialists from diverse backgrounds who will share their experiences and insights navigating industry changes arising from Net Zero. Topics to be discussed include the benefits of harnessing innovation, natural capital solutions, technology and partnerships, amongst others.

Who should attend?

Our ILOT initiative aims to bring together the rising stars from across the infrastructure and energy sectors to build relationships and develop new skills in a relaxed setting.

ILOT is aimed at junior to mid-level (c.10 years qualified) professionals in the infrastructure and energy sectors who want to meet like-minded people and develop their networks in an informal environment.

Event date

18:00 - 21:00 BST


Imogen Dewar

Associate at Pinsent Masons

Jack Lomas

Emerging Technology Lead at Severn Trent Water

Reid Cunningham

Business Development Director - Energy at BAM FM and BAM Energy

Sofia Comer

Associate at Pinsent Masons

Thomas Hay

Head of Business Development & Strategy at ENGIE

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