Gain insights into the latest emerging trends in Diversity & Inclusion. This session includes activities that demonstrate how we can improve our self-awareness and harness the power of feedback to become more inclusive as leaders, managers and team members.

Topics include:

  • Emerging trends in Diversity & Inclusion and what this means for employers;
  • What role can I play in supporting D&I in my organisation?;
  • How can I become more aware of my own impact?: Exploring self-awareness and blind spots using practical tools;
  • How and where I and others can get personal feedback and different perspectives on inclusive behaviour and the role of psychological safety in supporting this.

Who should attend?

You will find this session of benefit if you are a HR or D&I professional, in-house legal advisor, or manager with responsibility for employee relations matters.

Event date

12:00 - 13:00 GMT


David Marsden Pearson

Principal Consultant at Brook Graham

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