In this session our international experts - drawn from our Madrid, London, Dubai and Johannesburg offices - will discuss current issues in EPC Contracts, as well as contractual risk management trends, that will be useful for both, engineers and in-house lawyers.

Inflation and rising commodity prices, coupled with the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis, represent additional risks to those that are involved in construction projects on which stakeholders must already contend with the risks associated with the often complex technical aspects of projects and multiple parties interfacing. Risks analysis and allocation is more important than ever. Construction companies are adopting different risks profiles and contract models to deal with this, as well as alternative dispute resolution methodologies to reduce the cost, time and risk involved in traditional dispute resolution. 


Event date

18:00 - 20:00 CET

Pinsent Masons Video





Presentation start


Networking and drinks

Event location

Pinsent Masons
Serrano 90, 2ª y 3ª planta
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