Out-Law Guide

Interception of Communications (Admissibility of Evidence) Bill

This is a Private Members Bill introduced by the Lord Lloyd of Berwick which makes provision for the introduction of intercept evidence and evidence of communications data in certain criminal...

This is a Private Members Bill introduced by the Lord Lloyd of Berwick which makes provision for the introduction of intercept evidence and evidence of communications data in certain criminal proceedings, i.e. serious crime and offences relating to terrorism.

Introduced in November 2006, subsequent amendments may have been made but not incorporated into the original version of Bill

As at 16/03/2007: Second Reading, House of Lords

As at 23/11/2006: bill as introduced

Homepage for the Interception of Communications (Admissibility of Evidence) Bill on UK Parliament website.

See: OUT-LAW's guide on the Procedure for passing laws in the UK

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