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Barnet Council consults on proposed single flat rate Community Infrastructure Levy

Barnet Council has published its preliminary draft Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule for consultation .

The council plans to introduce a simple single low flat rate for the purposes of the CIL which will apply to the net additional floorspace of all new development if within the remit of the CIL regime.  From 1 April 2013 the Council will set the rate at £135 per square metre for a three year period.

The Council’s view is that its approach will “prioritise economic growth in the borough whilst recognising the need to deliver the critical infrastructure required to ensure that Barnet keeps moving”. The Council has said that “it will enable critical services to continue”.

The preliminary draft states that “the council has ensured that it is a rate affordable for all viable development proposals brought forwards” whilst recognising that this will secure overall a lower rate than under section 106 legal agreements “but sees this as its contribution towards ensuring growth in new housing can continue in Barnet”.

A section 106 agreement is a legally binding agreement under the Town and Country Planning Act which allows a local planning authority to agree planning obligations with a developer in association with the granting of planning permission.

The justification for the Council’s proposed CIL rate is set out in sections 3 and 4 of the preliminary draft.

The consultation on the preliminary draft charging schedule will run until 23 April 2012.  After taking into account the responses and producing a report on the issues raised, the Council plans to issue its draft charging schedule in the Summer.

CIL will facilitate the collection of developer contributions towards necessary infrastructure that is required to support new projects. Local authorities are able to charge a tariff, at a locally set rate, on many different types of new development to fund additional infrastructure including transport and community facilities.

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