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Barnsley grants outline consent for 325 homes at former south Yorkshire colliery

Barnsley Council has granted outline consent for plans to redevelop the site of a former south Yorkshire colliery into a housing scheme with 325 homes.

Developer Harworth Estates submitted plans to the Council in April, for the redevelopment of the 16 hectare site of the vacant former North Gawber Colliery in the village of Mapplewell, near Barnsley. The plans include up to 325 new houses, arranged in a network of streets and boulevards around a central public open space.

Under figures agreed between the applicant and Council officers, 10% of the homes will be affordable housing, after a viability study said that 25% affordable housing provision would be unviable. The outline plans also include "an area of public art and sculpture" at the proposed entrance to the site, formal and informal play space and a network of green routes.

Financial contributions have been proposed in order to mitigate the impact of the development on the locality. A contribution of £120,000 has been recommended towards the improvements in Mapplewell village centre, and the Council has proposed that a contribution of £150,000 is made towards the cost of a new primary school classroom in the locality.

Full planning consent was also granted for enabling works to prepare the site for development, and for ongoing remediation during the course of construction.

“We are delighted that members overwhelmingly voted to approve this innovative scheme, which will deliver numerous benefits directly to the existing local community," said Claire Kent, planning director for Barton Willmore, who advised Harworth Estates. "These include a package of improvements to Mapplewell village centre, designed to enhance its character and vitality.”

Housing development at the site is expected to commence in 2015, with completion in 2020.

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