Out-Law News 1 min. read

Barratt submits plans for 135-home Battersea residential tower

Developer Barratt Homes has submitted detailed plans to Wandsworth Council for the proposed redevelopment of a vacant site on the southern bank of the river Thames in south west London into a residential-led development with 135 homes.

The plans include the demolition of existing structures and the construction of a new 28-storey building on 0.23 hectares of vacant land immediately south of the grade II-listed Battersea railway bridge. A slightly rotated series of plectrum-shaped floors has been proposed, with floor-to-ceiling glass behind continuous balconies on the above-ground levels.

The upper storeys of the building would house 135 one- to three-bedroom apartments, 10% of which are proposed to be affordable homes, according to an affordable housing statement submitted with the plans. The apartments would include three duplex penthouse units on the uppermost floors.

The double-height ground floor of the proposed building would provide 600 square metres of commercial or retail space, a residents' gym and a combined heat and power plant. The basement would house 30 car parking spaces and storage for 162 bicycles under the plans. The proposed scheme also includes nearly 1,500 sq m of open space, including a hard-landscaped public plaza and a northward extension of the Thames Path.

Barratt acquired the site in May and appointed Patel Taylor Architects to design the scheme following a two month design competition. The design and access statement submitted with the planning application said that the proposals would create "a visually distinctive building that will become a positive addition to the Wandsworth skyline."

"The combination of new homes, an active commercial use on the ground floor and a large open space will make this an important place within the local area," said the statement. "It will draw people to the riverfront and connect the local neighbourhood to the river."

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