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Basingstoke consults on CIL draft charging schedule

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council has opened consultation on its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) draft charging schedule (DCS), proposing rates of up to £150 per square metre for residential developments.

The Council has proposed in the DCS (17-page / 1.4 MB PDF) to divide the borough into four charging zones for residential developments. Residential developments in 'Zone 1', which covers the Manydown area to the west of Basingstoke, would be charged a nil rate levy under the DCS. In 'Zone 2', which includes Basingstoke Golf Course, the east of Basingstoke and Upper Cufaude Farm, to the north of Chineham, a rate of £65 per sq m has been proposed.

A rate of £70 per sq m has been proposed for Basingstoke and Tadley, which comprise 'Zone 3' under the DCS, and residential development in the rest of the borough would attract a charge of £150 per sq m. Care homes, extra care facilities and sheltered housing would attract a borough-wide nil rate charge.

Borough-wide rates of £150 per sq m for large scale convenience retail, retail warehouses and supermarkets and £35 per sq m for small scale convenience retail development have been proposed.

Comparison retail developments within Basingstoke town centre would be charged a rate of £35 per sq m under the DCS. Outside Basingstoke town centre, large scale comparison retail developments would attract a rate of £150 per sq m, and small scale comparison retail would be charged £35 per sq m.

A borough-wide rate of £35 per sq m has also been proposed for developments with budget hotel; hot food takeaway; drinking establishment; restaurant and cafe; and financial and professional service uses.

All other uses would attract a nil rate levy under the DCS.

The public consultation ends on 19 December. The Council said it expects to adopt CIL in June 2015 and implement the levy by September 2015.

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