Out-Law News 1 min. read

Brent resolves to grant planning permission for 227 Colindale homes

The London Borough of Brent has resolved to grant planning permission for a 227-home development at the site of two industrial units near the Colindale Retail Park in north west London.

Developer Galliard Homes applied in July for permission to demolish two vacant buildings on the 1.1 hectare Grove Park site and replace them with eight new buildings, ranging from two to eight storeys in height and housing 227 new homes.

The proposed homes range from studio apartments to four-bedroom family homes. A viability assessment submitted with the application concluded that affordable housing provision of 36 homes, or 19%, could be delivered, against a target in the Borough's core strategy for 50% of new homes to be affordable.

The proposed scheme also includes 256 square metres of "affordable workspace for research and development"; ground floor and basement parking for 136 vehicles; 296 cycle spaces; landscaping and amenity space.

The application was on the agenda for a meeting of the Borough's planning committee last month, having been recommended for approval, subject to a section 106 agreement and referral to the mayor of London, in a planning officer's report.

The report (34-page / 841 KB PDF) noted that, while the employment space at the site would be reduced from over 7,000 sq m to 256 sq m under the proposal, only 15 people were employed at the site in its previous use by a kitchen manufacturer. The proposals anticipated that the new "affordable workspace" would provide "21 full time employees", the report said.

The planning officer concluded that the proposed scheme would "contribute to the objectives of the Burnt Oak / Colindale Growth Area", which allocated the surrounding area for "mixed-use regeneration" and the delivery of 2,500 new homes by 2026.

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