Out-Law News

Cardiff consults on CIL preliminary draft charging schedule

Cardiff City Council has opened a consultation on its community infrastructure levy (CIL) preliminary draft charging schedule (PDCS), proposing a rate of £100 per square metre for residential developments.

The Council has proposed in the PDCS (12-page / 65 KB PDF) to charge a single rate of £100 per sq m for all residential developments in the city. A nil rate levy has been proposed for the development of care homes, student accommodation and hotels.

A city-wide rate of £250 per sq m has been proposed for comparison retail and convenience retail developments. Out of centre retail warehouse developments would also face a rate of £250 per sq m under the PDCS.

A nil rate levy has been proposed for all other developments in the city, including offices, industrial, warehousing, leisure, and public service and community facilities uses.

The public consultation ends on 22 December.

The Council has said it anticipates consultation on a draft charging schedule will take place in February or March 2015, with examination expected by summer 2015.

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