Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

Permission to start work on the first phase of construction at Chobham Manor, the first new community to be built on the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, has been granted.

The London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) granted the approvals to Chobham Manor LLP, a joint venture between Taylor Wimpey and London housing association L&Q for the first phase of 259 homes at the site.

The development will include a mix of one to five bedroom apartments and houses as well as retail space, play areas and communal gardens. When completed, Chobham Manor will comprise up to 850 homes, forming a key part of the LLDC's masterplan for the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, with up to 6,800 new homes planned to be built there overall.

Around 28% of homes in the Chobham Manor development will be affordable homes, with 31% of the first phase providing this type of housing, including social rented, affordable rented and immediate housing.

Dennis Hone, Chief Executive of the LLDC, said: "the prospect of the first residents of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park moving in as early as 2015 is an exciting one and together with the opening of the south of the Park on April 5 and the vision of a new cultural and educational quarter in development, we are firmly on track to deliver a new heart for east London.”

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