Residential developers in Corby will be subject to community infrastructure levy (CIL) rates of up to £100 per square metre under proposals published by the local charging authority.

Corby Borough Council launched a consultation on its CIL draft charging schedule (DCS) (8-page / 713KB PDF) last week. It has proposed that residential developments within the areas of Gretton, Rockingham, Middleton, Cottingham and East Carlton should be charged at £100 per sq m. In all other areas of the borough, it has proposed that residential developments should be subject to a lower rate of £50 per sq m.

For convenience based supermarkets, superstores and retail warehousing with a net retailing space of over 280 sq m, the Council has set a draft rate of £100 per sq m. A nil rate levy will apply to all other development types, including comparison and other retail uses, if the proposed rates are adopted.

The Council said that, following its consultation on its preliminary draft charging schedule in 2012, it had considered the representations made and undertaken further work to ensure its DCS accords with the most up-to-date CIL regulation and guidance.

The consultation is open for comments until 20 June. The Council said it hopes for the examination of the DCS to take place later this year. 

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