Out-Law News

Corby consults on CIL preliminary draft charging schedule

Corby Borough Council has published its community infrastructure levy (CIL) preliminary draft charging schedule (PDCS) for consultation, with proposals to charge they levy on residential and retail developments.

The PDCS (8-page / 609KB PDF) sets out a proposed rate for residential developments within the areas of Gretton, Rockingham, Middleton, Cottingham and East Carlton of £150 per square metre. The Council said that the sales values in these areas were higher and therefore could absorb a higher CIL rate than the rest of the area. Residential developments within all other areas in the Borough will be subject to a proposed rate of £50 per sq m.

For retail developments, the proposed rate is set as £125 per sq m for "large" developments over 280 sq m and £40 per sq m for developments below 280 sq m.

A zero rate levy is proposed to apply to all other developments. The Council said its viability assessment had shown that developments such as warehousing, industrial and other commercial uses were "not currently able to support a CIL".

The consultation runs from 9 November to 21 December. 

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