Out-Law News

DCLG rejects local councils' call for incentives to implement CIL

The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has rejected calls from a group representing local councils to introduce incentives to encourage the adoption of community infrastructure levy (CIL), according to a report by Planning Magazine .

The National Association of Local Councils (NACL), a membership body representing 9,000 local councils in England, expressed concerns earlier this month that communities were missing out on the intended benefits of CIL due to its limited implementation. 

According to the latest data from Planning Magazine, only 44 local authorities have adopted CIL to date.

"Councils are telling us the community infrastructure levy isn't working as in many areas it's not being put in place," said NALC larger councils committee chairman Ken Leary in a statement.  "This can lead to communities missing out on crucial investment needs identified by the community such as improvements to parks and play areas, community facilities, road or traffic schemes and other local projects".

However, the DCLG has dismissed NALC's request according to Planning Magazine.

"It is a decision for local authorities whether they apply the levy or not, enabling them to take into account local factors such as the effect on the viability of development", said a DCLG spokesman according to the report.

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