Out-Law News

Detailed plans submitted for 27-storey Canary Wharf office tower

Developer Canary Wharf Group (CWG) has submitted detailed plans to the London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LBTH) for the construction of a 27-storey office tower at Heron Quays in Canary Wharf.

LBTH resolved in April to grant outline consent for plans to demolish the existing buildings at 1 Bank Street , Heron Quays West, and replace them with a new building up to 191.5 metres high, including up to 129,857 square metres of office space, 785 sq m of flexible floor space and a decked promenade to the South Dock.

South Quays Property Limited, a subsidiary of CWG, has since submitted an application seeking full planning permission for more detailed proposals. The detail plans propose a 27-storey glass and aluminium building, 152 m in height, containing up to 114,345 sq m of office space spread across 19 floors.

The ground floor of the building would contain 113 sq m of retail space under the plans and three trading floors would be included in order to meet the requirements of a prospective tenant.

The plans also include: basement parking for 29 cars and 864 bicycles; a decked promenade extending into the South Dock; a fourth floor terrace; and a green wall to the south elevation.

The scheme was designed by architects Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates. According to the planning statement submitted with the detailed plans: "The overall objective of the design is to design a building of the highest architectural quality that will be responsive to its unique dockside context and characterised by excellence in sustainable design."

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