Out-Law News 1 min. read
23 Oct 2014, 3:45 pm
A report produced by the Council's director of regeneration and environment, for a cabinet meeting yesterday, recommended that the cabinet endorse the proposed route of the main street running east to west across the 85 hectare development site, to be called Meridian Boulevard.
The report also recommended that the relevant officers be authorised to appoint consultants to draw up detailed plans for the boulevard, to appoint a contractor to deliver the first phase of the boulevard and to take the necessary steps to deliver the necessary land and consents for development to commence.
The wider Meridian Water Masterplan, approved by the Council last year, proposes the transformation of underused and vacant industrial sites in north London's Upper Edmonton into a 5,000-home eco-development bordering the Lee Valley Regional Park. The report said that development of the tree-lined central thoroughfare, which would be flanked by five- and six-storey commercial buildings, would allow access to the proposed sites of the first 2,650 homes.
"Meridian Boulevard forms the backbone of Meridian Water," said the report produced for the cabinet meeting. "It is the core element of the masterplan around which proposed new neighbourhoods have been planned and will be built. Its delivery is therefore key to unlocking large scale housing developments which could accommodate approximately 2,650 homes in Meridian Water."
"The construction of Meridian Boulevard will bring about a physical transformation that will demonstrate that Meridian Water has move decisively from concept to delivery," said the report.