Out-Law News 1 min. read

Enterprise Zones get simplified planning regime, says Government

The next wave of Enterprise Zones (EZ) are now "operational sites" and  'Local Development Orders' (LDO), a simplified planning regime, are being finalised for each Zone said Communities Minister Eric Pickles. 

Each EZ now offers enhanced tax breaks, including business rate relief, which provides businesses in Enterprise Zones with up to 100% relief for five years. The cost is met by central Government.

The Government announced a "new generation" of EZs in the Budget 2011, which it said would be subject to simplified planning rules, super-fast broadband and tax breaks for businesses, and would be established in local enterprise partnerships across England. 

Two thirds of the EZs will have at least one LDO in place by the summer, the Government said. LDOs can be used to grant automatic planning permission for certain development, such as new industrial buildings or a change to how existing buildings are used, within specified areas. 

A LDO deems planning permission to have been granted for specified development or classes of development in a definned area.LDOs   provide certainty about what development  will be allowed, removing delays and costs associated with applying for planning permission.

In total 18 orders have already been agreed and eight more have completed the public consultation stage. A further 40 are in the pipeline, the Government said.

"This week our low tax, low regulation, Enterprise Zones with superfast networks are going operational with live deals and incentives now available to entice new companies to the area," said Pickles. "We've planted these economic incubators all across the country to help accelerate growth, rebalance our economy with thousands of new businesses and local jobs in each location," he added. 

The Northampton Enterprise Zone will redevelop and regenerate a large area around Northampton station and along the River Nene. A planning application has now been submitted for a land-mark development on the site, including a 3,740 square metre 'innovation cube' which will provide high quality accommodation for 60 start-up businesses.

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