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Green light for 1,575-home redevelopment of Barking housing estate

The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (LBBD) has resolved to grant planning permission for the 1,575-home redevelopment of the eastern part of the Gascoigne housing estate, immediately south of Barking town centre in east London.

Housing provider East Thames Group and LBBD together submitted a hybrid application in June for full permission for the first phase of development and outline permission for the remaining phases.

The overall scheme includes 1,575 homes, 905 of which are proposed to be affordable. This represents a total reduction of 152 homes against the 1,727 that originally existed at the site, and a reduction of 536 affordable homes against the original 1,441. According to a planning officer's report to LBBD's development control board, the loss of affordable housing was "considered acceptable" due to the improved quality of the housing to be provided under the scheme, the increase in habitable rooms and the recent delivery of affordable housing units elsewhere in the Borough.

The first phase of the scheme proposes the delivery of 421 new homes, a public square, gardens and a 1,355 square metre medical facility. A further 1,154 homes, a primary school, a secondary school, a 1,400 sq m community centre and 1,550 sq m of commercial space, including convenience shopping and local business space, are proposed for the remaining phases.

"The regeneration of the Gascoigne Estate is an important part of [LBBD's] vision for the future growth of the Borough", said councillor Cameron Geddes, LBBD cabinet member for regeneration in a statement. "This is an exciting and significant step toward realising our ambitious vision to create new homes and offer our residents greater choice in housing."

"We are committed to growth and playing our part in London," added Geddes. The Gascoigne, with its close proximity to Barking town centre, has an unrivalled opportunity to deliver a wide range of new homes for our residents."

The first phase of the scheme is expected to commence in spring 2015 and the project is due for completion in 2024.

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