Out-Law News

House of Fraser pays for using unlicensed software

The House of Fraser department store has paid an undisclosed sum to the Business Software Alliance to avoid being taken to court for its use of unlicensed software.

Euro Car Parts, a retailer and distributor of car parts, and Prominent Pages, an internet media company, have paid £7,500 and £20,000 respectively for use of unlicensed software.

In Ireland, the software organisation last week announced court proceedings against five companies for “inadequate” software licensing. The companies are Horan Keogan and Ryan Architects, Jefferson Computer, Xsil Limited, Plaut IT Services Limited and GM Steel Fabricators Limited.

Julian McMenamin, Chair of BSA Ireland, said:

"Despite new Irish copyright legislation enacted in January 2001, Irish companies continue to deliberately flout the law. The BSA is serious about protecting the copyright of its members' products and we are calling on all businesses to examine their software management policies. If they don't, they could face severe penalties."

The BSA financially rewards whistle-blowers who provide leads on companies suspected of using software illegally. Last year, it received more than 1,200 such leads.

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