The GSM association, the leading mobile phone industry body, yesterday announced the creation of the Mobile Services Initiative (M-Services), an initiative to enhance benefits to consumers using GSM handsets by delivering a globally available set of services through the mobile internet.
The Association has provide better guidance to handset manufacturers and software developers on the needs of consumers of mobile internet services. The M-Services Initiative is being supported by all leading mobile manufacturers, including Nokia, Alcatel, Ericsson, Motorola, Sagem, Samsung and Siemens.

Using open software and hardware standards, initiative hopes to avoid problems perceived with the first attempt at a mobile internet, the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). Although widely adopted following over-hyped marketing, WAP is often described as being too cumbersome for most subscribers.

The GSM association says that M-Services will allow the faster GPRS (2.5G) networks to offer a consistently high quality of mobile internet.

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