Out-Law News

Investin Quay House submits plans for Docklands tower

Developer Investin Quay House (IQH) has submitted a planning application to Tower Hamlets council for a 228 metre tower in the Millennium Quarter of east London's Isle of Dogs.

Under the proposals the 68-storey tower will comprise 498 homes; of which 84 would be affordable; spread over 61 floors.  The plans for the tower also include a sky garden; a residents' gymnasium and swimming pool; and ground floor space dedicated to a cafe or retail units.

The 0.19 hectare site is within the Isle of Dogs Opportunity Area, which is designated in the Mayor's London Plan as being capable of accommodating large scale development.  The site is currently occupied by a vacant three-storey office building. It was acquired by IQH in 2013.

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