Out-Law News

Judicial review challenge to QPR training ground permission fails

Campaign group Hanwell Community Forum has been refused permission for a judicial review of Ealing Council's decision to grant planning permission to Queen's Park Rangers (QPR) football club for a redevelopment of Warren Farm in west London's Southall.

A High Court judge rejected a claim by the campaign group that the permission, which was granted in December last year, was unlawful on several grounds, including that the scheme was inappropriate development of metropolitan open land and that the councillors handling the decision had been impartial.

“We are very pleased that a High Court judge has upheld the court’s original decision to reject an application for a judicial review of the council’s decision relating to Warren Farm sports ground," said an Ealing Council spokeswoman according to reports

"The judge rejected all claims against the council and confirmed that we acted appropriately in granting QPR planning permission and a lease of the site."

“QPR is investing millions of pounds into community facilities and a comprehensive community sports programme, which will significantly improve local people’s access to sport. We look forward to seeing this project get off the ground so that people can start using it as quickly as possible,” the spokeswoman said.

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