Out-Law News 1 min. read
25 Jul 2014, 4:49 pm
The proposals for the Peninsula Central East site include the demolition of the existing Rotunda building and the construction of five residential blocks ranging from 22 to 31 storeys in height. The new buildings will contain a total of 991 residential units with up to three bedrooms, of which 236 are proposed to be affordable homes.
The scheme also proposes a new 6,000 square metre public plaza, an enhanced riverside walkway and cycleway, communal courtyards, roof terraces and gardens. A new pavilion building to be located within the plaza will be the subject of a separate planning application.
The proposals are part of Knight Dragon's wider project for the redevelopment of the Greenwich Peninsula, excluding the Millennium Dome, Dome Waterfront and O2 Arena, into a new residential and business district. Outline permission was granted in 2004 for a masterplan covering the wider area with up to 10,010 new homes and 3.5 million square feet of commercial floorspace.
The peninsula was due to be redeveloped by Greenwich Peninsula Regeneration Limited (GPRL), a joint-venture set up by developers Quintain and Lend Lease in 2007. Knight Dragon bought a 60% share in GPRL in July 2012 and the remaining 40% of the company in November 2013, renaming it Knight Dragon Developments Limited.
The Peninsula Central East site, previously known as East Riverside, was identified for the provision of 870 dwellings in the 2004 masterplan. The new proposals represent an increase of 121 homes from the initial allocation. In the planning statement accompanying the application, the developer said that the inclusion of land previously earmarked for office use in the residential scheme meant that only a minimal increase over the residential density proposed in the 2004 masterplan would be required.