Out-Law News 1 min. read

Leeds adopts local plan core strategy and CIL charging schedule

Leeds City Council has resolved to adopt a local plan document that will guide development in the district up to 2028 as well as a community infrastructure levy (CIL) charging schedule that proposes rates of up to £90 per square metre for residential developments.

At a full Council meeting this week, the Council voted to adopt a local plan core strategy (216-page / 12 MB PDF) that proposes the provision of 70,000 new homes in Leeds between 2012 and 2028. Under the plans, the homes would be delivered at a rate of 3,660 per year until 2016/17 and at 4,700 per year thereafter.

The Council has proposed a sequential approach to development in the core strategy, with priority to development of brownfield land in inner city areas before other sites within settlements and, finally, sustainable extensions. On the advice of an independent examiner (22-page / 200 KB PDF), the Council has committed to a comprehensive review of existing green belt boundaries and the core strategy will allow for development at less sequentially preferable sites should this be necessary to maintain a supply of housing land.

At the same meeting, the Council voted to adopt a CIL charging schedule (22-page / 1.8 MB PDF) that proposes to divide the city into five different zones for residential development. Residential developments 'Zones 3 and 4', covering Leeds city centre and the immediately surrounding area, will be charged a rate of £5 per square metre. A rate of £23 per sq m will be applied to residential developments in 'Zone 2a', to the south and south east of inner Leeds.

Residential developments in 'Zone 2b', which covers the furthest south east and south west districts of the city, will attract a charge of £45 per sq m; and those in 'Zone 1', which covers the north western and north eastern districts, will be charged £90 per sq m.

For retail developments, the Council will apply differential rates according to size, type and location. A rate of £110 per sq m has been set for convenience retail developments below 500 sq m in the city centre, with a rate of £175 per sq m for such developments outside the city centre.

Comparison retail developments above 1,000 sq m will be charged at £35 per sq m if they are located in the city centre and at £55 per sq m if they are located outside the city centre. Offices in the city centre will attract a rate of £35 per sq m.

A nil rate levy will apply to development by a "predominantly publicly funded or not for profit organisation", including sports and leisure centres, medical or health services, community facilities, and education. All other uses will be charged at £5 per sq m.

The Council said the CIL charging schedule will come into effect on 6 April 2015.

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