Out-Law News

Manchester councils join forces for development plan

The Greater Manchester Combined Authority has open a consultation on the Greater Manchester Spatial Plan (the Plan) to further housing and employment growth. The Plan is expected to be examined in 2017 and adopted in 2018.

According to the initial consultation document, Greater Manchester's need for housing "equates to an average of 10,706 net additional dwellings per annum" but as only 3,700 homes were completed in 2012-2013, this objectively assessed figure now stands at 11,056 extra homes being needed a year.

The consultation document also states that the need for new industrial and warehousing floorspace for Greater Manchester over the period 2012-2033 would be 3,935,375 sq m, equating to 187,399 sq m per annum – a 12% uplift on past development rates.

Eamonn Boylan, Greater Manchester chief executive of planning and housing, said: "We need to use this evidence to underpin a strategic discussion in Greater Manchester on how we manage our land supply to meet our aspirations for housing and employment growth". He also acknowledged that as well as numbers, housing types play a pertinent role in helping Greater Manchester to retain skilled people and businesses.

Mr Boylan said that the Plan "is a radical step and reflects our ambition for Greater Manchester to manage the challenge of growth across all 10 authorities in a coherent way. Our work is underpinned by a shared ambition to increase the prosperity of the people of Greater Manchester."

Public consultation on the Plan and the evidence already obtained began on 26th September 2014 and will run for six weeks until 7th November 2014.

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