Property development and management company Ocubis has held a public exhibition of plans for the construction of two 25-storey residential towers at a site on the Albert Embankment in south London's Vauxhall.

The plans for 36-46 Albert Embankment, currently occupied by a petrol station and two office buildings known as Vintage House, include the demolition of most existing structures and the construction of two new buildings up to 25-storeys high. According to a website for the proposed development, "around 200 new homes" are proposed for the site. The homes would be "a mix of one, two, and three bedroom apartments" and would include affordable housing. 

The new buildings would be connected by a garden courtyard and would contain ground floor retail space and enhanced public realm, which Ocubis has said "will make a significant improvement to the public space along Albert Embankment and promote increased activity along the pedestrian route to the west of the railway viaduct". 

The Make Architects-designed plans also include the retention and refurbishment of one of the Vintage House buildings to provide "fresh, new office space for small local businesses and start-ups", the company said. 

The site lies within the Vauxhall Nine Elms and Battersea Opportunity Area, which was identified in the London Plan as being capable of supporting large scale development. 

Ocubis said that a further consultation on updated plans will be held before a planning application is submitted to Lambeth Council in early 2015.

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