Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

Oldham Council's planning committee last week resolved to grant planning permission for an employment-led mixed use development on a 49 hectare agricultural site at Chadderton west of Oldham.

The proposals by developer Foxdentons, a joint venture between Grasscroft Property and Seddon Developments, include the demolition of existing buildings on the site and the construction of a 30 hectare business park as well as 500 new homes and a new linear park.

The developer said in a statement it expects the scheme to create around 1,000 construction jobs and around 3,300 permanent jobs once completed.

The Council's planning officers said in the committee report (26-page / 1.27MB PDF) that the site was allocated as a business and employment area in the Council's Core Strategy with the potential to provide around half of the Council's additional employment land up to 2026. They said the policy considered an element of residential development of up to 25% to be acceptable to support the required infrastructure.

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