Out-Law News

Oxfordshire council consults on CIL preliminary draft charging schedule

Vale of the White Horse District Council in Oxfordshire has opened a consultation on its community infrastructure levy (CIL) preliminary draft charging schedule (PDCS), proposing rates of up to £120 per square metre for residential developments.

The Council has proposed, in the PDCS (13-page /1.1 MB PDF), to divide the district into three charging zones for residential developments. In 'Zone 2', which includes Faringdon, Wantage and Grove, a rate of £85 per sq m has been proposed.

A draft nil rate levy would apply to residential developments in 'Zone 3', which includes Crab Hill and Monks Farm and a rate of £120 per sq m for 'Zone 1', which covers the rest of the district.

A district-wide £100 per sq m charge has been proposed for the development of supermarkets and retail warehousing with floorspace exceeding 280 sq m.

All nil rate levy has been proposed for all other uses.

The public consultation ends on 19 December. The Council said it expects that the draft charging schedule will be published for consultation in February 2015.

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