Out-Law News 1 min. read

Plans submitted for 600-home mixed-use regeneration of Plymouth district

Public-private regeneration partnership the English Cities Fund (ECF) has submitted a masterplan to Plymouth City Council for the 600-home mixed-use regeneration of the Millbay area of the city.

ECF, a partnership between the UK government's Homes and Communities Agency, developer Muse Developments and finance company Legal and General, proposes to create a new waterfront development on 7 hectares of partially derelict land surrounding Victorian docks to the south west of Plymouth city centre.

Up to 600 homes are proposed, in eleven new buildings including town houses and larger properties for families. The proportion of affordable housing to be provided has yet to be confirmed, but ECF has proposed "a flexible approach", noting that "it is imperative that the amount of affordable housing sought does not render the application proposals unviable".

Up to 12,500 square metres of office space is proposed in four buildings, including a "significant office building" on the corner of Millbay Road and a proposed new boulevard, linking Millbay Road to the docks. Plans include up to 8,600 sq m of retail space, bars and restaurants and a 4,750 hotel as well as "high quality public realm" and a multi-storey car park.

The masterplan updates and replaces a masterplan approved by the Council in 2008.

"The future regeneration of Millbay provides an opportunity to build upon the recent redevelopment of a number of individual sites in order to transform a redundant and derelict area, adjacent to Plymouth city centre, from an unattractive, and largely under-used part of the city into a thriving mixed-use urban quarter," said the planning statement submitted with the application. "The redevelopment would, if permitted, make a statement of intent about the future of Plymouth and the future regeneration of the city."

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