Out-Law News 1 min. read

Plymouth CIL draft charging schedule recommended for approval

An examiner has recommended Plymouth City Council's community infrastructure levy (CIL) draft charging schedule (DCS) for approval, despite objections to the affordable housing figures used in setting the levy.

The Council had received representations from a number of housing associations, criticising it for adopting an assumption of 15% of affordable housing in setting the CIL, in contrast with the Council's Core Strategy, which requires at least 30% of the total number of dwellings in private sector developments with more than 15 units to be affordable.

The representations said that the adoption of the 15% figure would undermine the achievement of 30% affordable housing provision and would effectively invite developers to seek to provide 15% affordable housing instead of 30%.

The examiner said in her report (15-page / 165KB PDF) that the 30% requirement remained a part of the Council's statutory development plan and that it would "carry a significantly higher status in any negotiations than the assumptions used in setting CIL".

The Council would continue to seek 30% affordable housing as a starting point, and any developers seeking to make a lower provision would be required to justify a reduction through an assessment of viability, as they are already required to do, the examiner said. She concluded that the 15% assumption therefore did not put the delivery of affordable housing in accordance with the development plan at risk.

The DCS set out a proposed retail rate of £100 per square metre for superstores and supermarkets of 1,000 square metres or more and a zero rate levy for all other retail developments. The examiner concluded that the differential rates were justified as survey evidence had indicated that the size threshold of 1,000 sq m generally marked the difference in use for Plymouth.

The Council said it expects to adopt the final Charging Schedule in April 2013 and to start charging CIL in June 2013.

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