Out-Law News

Proposed Cheshire housing scheme rejected on neighbourhood plan grounds

Cheshire West and Chester's planning committee has unanimously voted to reject an application for 184 homes at Winsford in Cheshire because it said the proposals conflicted with an emerging neighbourhood plan for the area.

The application had been recommended for approval by the Council's planning officers. The officers said in their report that, although the site was not allocated for development within the emerging Winsford Neighbourhood Development Plan, only "limited weight" could be accorded to the plan because it has not yet been through its examination stage.

"Although relatively advanced, the Neighbourhood Plan has yet to go through examination and referendum before it can be made and there is also a context of an under-supply of housing land across the Borough, with a consequential need to determine the proposal against the policies of the National Planning Policy Framework," the report said.

“Winsford Town Council has already produced a Neighbourhood Plan, the second in Cheshire West and Chester which is currently in the process of examination by an inspector prior to a ratification vote early in 2014," said Councillor David Armstrong according to local reports.

“As part of that plan Winsford Town Council has identified the land for 3,500 houses required by Cheshire West. The town council has been very responsible in meeting its obligations and the area in this planning application does not form any part of that land,” Armstrong said.

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