Out-Law News

Qatari Diar lodges plans for first phase of £3bn Chelsea Barracks scheme

Developer Qatari Diar has submitted a reserved matters application to Westminster Council for the initial 74-home phase of its masterplan for the Chelsea Barracks site in London's SW1.

The proposals include the first three buildings of the scheme to comprise 74 private market flats as well as one retail unit. The buildings will sit at the corner of the 5.18 hectare site at the junction of Chelsea Bridge Road and Pimlico Road.

The developer said it had undertaken public consultations on the plans for phase one since November and that it had received a "high level of support with a 70% approval being returned on feedback forms".

The Council granted outline permission for the wider masterplan, which comprises 448 homes, in 2012.

The Council has set a target date of 9 May 2014 to determine the application. 

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