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Renault to be questioned over emissions tests

Executives from car maker Renault are to be questioned by a French government independent technical commission looking into emissions tests, sources told the Financial Times . 

Renault will be asked about two of its cars which sources say exceeded emission limits, the Financial Times said.

The commission was set up in the wake of Volkwagen's admission last year that software in some of its vehicles allowed the company to 'cheat' on emissions tests. "Discrepancies" relating to emissions could affect 11 million vehicles across the world, it said at the time.

Renault said last week that the commission aims to verify that French manufacturers have not installed equivalent devices in their own vehicles. UTAC (a French testing authority) is currently testing 100 vehicles, including 25 Renault vehicles to reflect Renault's market share in France, it said.  At the end of December 2015, 11 vehicles had already been tested, including four Renault vehicles, Renault said.

The French Agency for Energy and Climate (DGEC), which is the main contact for the independent technical commission, "already considers that the on-going procedure would not reveal the presence of a defeat device on Renault's vehicles. This is good news for Renault", the car company said.

"Renault's teams are fully cooperating with the independent technical commission and the additional investigations decided by the Ministry of Economy," it said. 

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