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Shepway consults on CIL draft charging schedule

Shepway District Council in Kent has opened a consultation on its community infrastructure levy (CIL) draft charging schedule (DCS), proposing to set rates of up to £125 per square metre for residential developments.

Under the DCS (15-page / 1.9 MB PDF), the Council has proposed to apply a nil rate levy to all development within the strategic and key development sites of Folkestone Harbour and Seafront, Shorncliffe Garrison, Sellindge and the area covered by the New Romney masterplan.

Outside the strategic and key development sites, the Council's administrative area would be split into four separate charging zones for residential developments under the DCS. The Council has proposed to set rates of £0 per sq m in 'Zone A', which includes the area around Lydd and south-eastern and north-western parts of Folkestone, and £50 per sq m in 'Zone B', covering most of the east of Folkestone and the area around Burmarsh, Newchurch and St Mary in the Marsh.

Residential developments would attract a charge of £100 per sq m in 'Zone C', including Hythe and the south-western parts of Folkestone, and £150 per sq m in 'Zone D', which covers the north-east of the district, from Etchinghill to Stelling Minnis.

The DCS has proposed a nil rate for retail developments and 'other development akin to retail' within Folkestone town centre. In the rest of the district, such developments would be charged a nil rate should they have up to 280 sq m of retail selling space and £100 per sq m should they have more than 280 sq m of selling space.

A district-wide nil rate levy has been proposed for all other developments.

The consultation on the DCS is open until 23 March.

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