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Tower Hamlets launches second round of CIL consultation

The London Borough of Tower Hamlets has published its community infrastructure levy (CIL) draft charging schedule (DCS) (11-page / 2MB PDF) for consultation, with proposals to set out three different charging zones for residential developments within the Borough.

The Council has proposed that residential developments within Zone 1, which covers the northern part of the Docklands and most of the areas within the Borough which border the Thames, will be subject to a CIL rate of £200 per square metre.

Zone 2 covers most of the western part of the Borough including Bethnal Green, Stepney Green and Whitechapel, and has been set a proposed rate of £65 per sq m. For developments in Zone 3, which covers most of the eastern part of the Borough including Mile End and Bow, the proposed rate is £35 per sq m.

Student housing developments are proposed to be subject to a borough-wide rate of £425 per sq m and hotels to a rate of £210 per sq m.

For office developments, the Council proposes to charge schemes within the City Fringe a rate of £215 per sq m and schemes within North Docklands a rate of £100 per sq m. A nil rate levy is proposed to apply to schemes elsewhere in the Borough.

Small retail schemes of 280 sq m or less are proposed to be subject to a rate of £70 per sq m if they are located within the City Fringe or North Docklands, and a nil rate if they are located elsewhere in the Borough. A borough-wide rate of £195 per sq m is proposed for convenience-based supermarkets, superstores and retail warehousing over 280 sq m.

All other uses have been set a proposed nil rate levy.

In addition to CIL charged by the Council, any developments in the Borough will also be subject to Mayoral CIL. The Mayoral CIL charge in Tower Hamlets is £35 per sq m on all uses except for health and education purposes, which are exempt.

The consultation will run until 5 June. The Council said it expects to implement CIL in the winter.

Editor's note 02/05/13: the figure for the proposed CIL in Zone 1 has been changed, the previous figure was not correct. We apologise for the error.

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