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Trafford Council formally adopts core strategy

Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council has formally adopted its core strategy planning document, which will be used to guide development in the area and provide a framework against which decisions about the use of land can be made.

The adopted core strategy has set a target for the Council to release enough land to accommodate a minimum of 11,800 new dwellings within the next 14 years. The release of land will be phased to allow a steady flow of house building during this time.

The Council has pledged to achieve a 60:40 split between market rate and affordable housing and has also pledged to ensure a 70:30 split between small and large homes, with 50% of the “small” homes being accommodation suitable for families.

The Core Strategy was subject to extensive community engagement beginning in 2007 and an independent examination in 2011. The examiner backed the core strategy and endorsed it as the blueprint for the borough's future land use up to 2026, the Council said.

"The Council's adoption of the Plan is the last stage in its preparation and is a major achievement and excellent news for the borough," said councillor Mike Cornes, an executive council member.

"I am confident that the Council has struck the right balance between promoting economic growth, creating safer and stronger communities, and protecting our environments. This was a complex process which required us to consult extensively and take account of many different views," said Cornes.

Trafford Council's core strategy was formally adopted at a meeting of full council on Wednesday 25 January.

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