Out-Law News

WB Developments submits plans for 500 flats on Salford wasteland

Developer WB Developments has submitted plans to Salford City Council for a mixed-use scheme of nearly 500 homes on wasteland surrounding Wilburn Street Basin on the River Irwell in Greater Manchester.

Plans for the development propose the construction of four buildings ranging in height from eight to 21 storeys. The buildings are planned to house 491 residential units, with between one and three bedrooms.  No decision has yet been made regarding the amount of affordable housing to be delivered under the proposals.

Proposals also include 670 square metres of shops and offices; amenity space; and parking spaces for 149 cars and 133 bicycles.

The 1.34 hectare site has been vacant for several years.

Salford City Council has set a target date of 13 August 2014 to make a decision on the application.

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