Wellingborough Borough Council last week launched a consultation on its community infrastructure levy (CIL) draft charging schedule (DCS) with proposed rates ranging up to £100 per square metre. 

The Council has proposed to create two charging zones for residential developments. The rate in the 'rural villages' zone, including Great Doddington, Earls Barton, Wollaston, Strixton, Bozeat, Easton Maudit, Grendon, Ecton, Sywell, Mears Ashby, Hardwick, Harrowden, Great Harrowden, Isham and Orlingbury, would be £100 per sq m and a lower rate of £50 per sq m would apply in all other areas.

For convenience based supermarkets, superstores and retail warehouses with a net retailing floor space of more than 280 sq m, the Council has set a draft rate of £100 per sq m. Comparison and all other retail uses in the town centre will be charged a rate of £60 per sq m and a nil rate will apply to those uses in the remainder of the borough.

All other types of development, including industrial and warehousing, will be subject to a nil rate levy if the proposed rates are adopted.

The consultation is open for representations until 20 June. 

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