Fofaria Akshai

Akshai Fofaria


Akshai leads the firm's global mining group and its African oil & gas team. He has extensive advisory experience in London and Paris on acquisitions & disposals, joint ventures, state contracts and commercial arrangements across the energy lifecycle.

Akshai's experience


    • 2012
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2004
      Qualified - Paris Bar
    • 2000
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 1999
      University of Cambridge - MA
    • 1998
      Clifford Chance LLP - Trainee Solicitor
    • 1997
      College of Law - Dip. LP
    • 1996
      Magdalene College, Cambridge - BA (Law)
    • 1995
      University of Poitiers - Dip. Jur
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    Out-Law / Insight by Akshai Fofaria

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