Anne-Charlotte Augustin

Anne-Charlotte Augustin

Senior Associate

Anne-Charlotte advises French and foreign companies in the energy, construction and luxury sectors before civil, commercial courts and arbitral tribunals in the context of conflicts between partners/shareholders, clients/service providers and industrial risks, gross negligence and acts of god.

Anne-Charlotte intervenes in the context of conflicts between partners/shareholders or clients/service providers, withdrawals of operating permits, undue appropriation of interests, industrial risks, gross negligence, acts of god and first request guarantees issues. She closely works with the financial and technical experts mandated by her clients.

She assisted arbitrators in the drafting of their arbitral awards and advised clients on business criminal law issues.

From an academic standpoint, she graduated from the University of Nanterre after a Dual-Degree in Anglo-American and French Law and a bilingual Master 1 and Master 2 focused on Private International Law and Arbitration.

Anne-Charlotte also graduated from Duke University School of Law where she completed an LL.M before passing the New York Bar in 2014.

She is holder of the French bar exam since 2016 and was an associate for 6 years in the Parisian office of an American law firm specialized in disputes resolution.

Anne-Charlotte's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Anne-Charlotte Augustin

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