Christian Toon

Christian Toon

Head of Cyber Professional Services

Christian, the former Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Pinsent Masons, now leads a team as the firm seeks to broaden its cyber capabilities in the wake of an increasingly challenging cyber security environment.

Christian’s longstanding experience as CISO (In regulated, large financial services organisations before joining the firm) gives him outstanding insight into the increasingly complex cyber security challenges facing all businesses today. Drawing on his expertise developed during his 30-year technology experience – 16 of which have been dedicated to information security, he will provide vital operational cyber advice and guidance to our clients, supporting them as they strive to safeguard their business.

Christian joined Pinsent Masons in 2017 to become the firm’s first CISO responsible for global information and cyber security across its network. Throughout his career he has delivered pre and post breach strategy and support for a range of industry sectors including Financial Services, Insurance, Industrial and Infrastructure across the UK, Europe, Middle East and Asia.

As cyber breaches become more sophisticated and frequent an established and nuanced understanding of how to prevent breaches has become critical to any business seeking to protect their organisation. Christian and his team provide advice, guidance and opinion on some of the latest cyber security matters the world faces whilst cognisant of the history and legacy technology many organisations are still battling with.

Christian's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Christian Toon

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