Morgan Gareth

Gareth Morgan


Gareth advises life sciences clients on all exclusivity rights around pharmaceuticals and medical device products. Whether it is patents, SPCs or regulatory exclusivities, Gareth has decades of experience advising on these rights and has litigated in UK and EU courts.

Gareth's experience


    • 2021
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2020
      Honorary Fellow of Faculty - Pharmaceutical Medicine
    • 2016
      Qualified - Ireland
    • 2001
      Bristol University - IP Law (Postgraduate)
    • 2000
      Qualified - England & Wales
    • 1996
      University of Oxford - Biochemistry (DPhil)
    • 1991
      University of Oxford - Biochemistry (MA)
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    Out-Law / Insight by Gareth Morgan

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