Monaghan Garrett

Garrett Monaghan


Garrett specialises in the development, acquisition, disposal and funding of energy and infrastructure assets. He is nominated by Who’s Who Legal 2019 as one of the world’s leading practitioners in the field of Project Finance.

Garrett's experience


    • 2019
      Joined Pinsent Masons - Partner
    • 2017
      DWF - Executive Partner
    • 2005
      Arthur Cox - Partner
    • 2002
      American Electric Power - Acting Head of Legal (Secondment)
    • 2000
      Dewey Ballantine - Senior Associate
    • 1995
      McCann FitzGerald - Associate
    • 1993
      Leeds Metropolitan University - Common Professional Examination
    • 1990
      University College Cardiff - BSc Econ (Psychology)
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    Out-Law / Insight by Garrett Monaghan

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