Akhtar Hammad

Hammad Akhtar

Partner, Head of Transactional Services

Hammad is the Global Head of the Transactional Services Group, which comprises the firm's Corporate, Commercial, Competition EU & Trade, Employment & Reward and Corporate Tax practices.

Hammad's experience


    • 2017
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2013
      Ashurst LLP, Partner
    • 2002
      Herbert Smith LLP, Partner
    • 2002
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 1998
      College of Law – LPC
    • 1997
      College of Law – CPE (Law)
    • 1996
      University of Glasgow – MA (Hons) Economic and Social History/Management Studies
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    Out-Law / Insight by Hammad Akhtar

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