Ismail Hatice (1)

Hatice Ismail

Legal Director

Hatice advises on all aspects of corporate tax, including corporate M&A, restructuring, structured finance, cross-border and real estate transactions, predominantly for asset managers, investment funds and financial institutions. She also advises on stamp taxes, VAT and international automatic exchange of information regimes.

Hatice's experience


    • 2020
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2016
      Simmons & Simmons, Partner
    • 2005
      Qualified England and Wales
    • 2003
      BPP Law School – Legal Practice Course
    • 2003
      Simmons & Simmons Trainee
    • 2002
      King’s College London - Law Degree
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    Out-Law / Insight by Hatice Ismail

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