Hay James

James Hay

Principal Sustainable Finance Advisor

James advises financial services firms and corporates on a broad range of sustainability matters with a focus on complex ESG regulatory change, including sustainable finance disclosures, corporate sustainability reporting and net zero transition planning.

James’ experience spans corporate sustainability reporting where he advises companies on their CSRD and TCFD disclosures; sustainable finance disclosures where he advises asset managers on their entity and product level disclosures under SFDR and on the development of climate and transition investment frameworks underpinning sustainable financial products in both public and private markets; and climate strategy where he advises asset managers and asset owners on net zero transition planning.

Prior to his consulting career, James worked on the buy-side focusing on the development of sustainability analytics and intelligence covering global equity and fixed income strategies, supporting clients to launch sustainable investment funds and to undertake impact reporting on portfolios. James started his career at Allen & Overy in Hong Kong with experience in corporate M&A, capital markets and restructuring.

James's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by James Hay

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