Zhou Kevin

Kevin Zhou

Senior Associate

Kevin specialises in advising clients in the international construction and engineering sector on EPC contracts, procurement to completion risk management, claims, disputes, settlement negotiations, alternative dispute resolutions and international arbitrations.

Kevin specialises in acting for large Chinese SOE contractors and has significant experience in advising clients on risks management through procurement to completion. Kevin advises clients on pursuing their claims (such as cost and time claims arising from variations, unforeseen physical conditions, delay and disruptions, mitigation, acceleration, defects, force majeure and the termination of contracts) and he has considerable experience in acting for clients in dispute settlements, ADRs and arbitrations. He is experienced in drafting and negotiating FIDIC Suite of contracts and besopke construction contracts. Before joining Pinsent Masons in 2016, Kevin practiced construction law on contentious and non-contentious matters in top tier Australian law firms. 

Kevin's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Kevin Zhou

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