
Dr. Marc Salevic

Rechtsanwalt, Partner

Marc Salevic provides legal advice in the field of broadband expansion and energy network modernisation. In particular, he advises in the municipal environment of public utilities and housing industry and represents energy and telecommunications companies in proceedings before the regulatory authorities up to the highest court level (BGH, BVerwG, ECJ).

Marc's experience


    • 2018
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2010
      PricewaterhouseCoopers WPG GmbH, Düsseldorf - Director
    • 2010
      University of Cologne - Dissertation ("Dr. iur.")
    • 2006
      Juconomy Rechtsanwälte, Düsseldorf - Senior Associate
    • 2006
      Qualified - Germany
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    Out-Law / Insight by Dr. Marc Salevic

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