Mohammed Talib

Mohammed Talib


Mohammed is a construction and engineering lawyer and has acted in a wide range of construction disputes.

Mohammed's experience


    • 2024
      Next Generation Partner - Hong Kong: Construction (Legal 500 Asia-Pacific)
    • 2013
      City of University of Hong Kong - Visiting Fellow
    • 2011
      Qualified - Hong Kong
    • 2010
      Judiciary of the Hong Kong SAR - Judicial Assistant
    • 2009
      University of Hong Kong - Teaching Consultant
    • 2008
      Pinsent Masons LLP - Senior Associate
    • 2008
      University of Hong Kong - Postgraduate Certificate in Laws
    • 2007
      University of Hong Kong - Master of Laws (Corporate & Financial Law)
    • 2006
      Kings College London, University of London - Bachelor of Laws
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    Out-Law / Insight by Mohammed Talib

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